Effect of partial replacement of wheat flour with millet flour on the physicochemical and rheological properties of biscuit dough

Salah Ali Alhebeil, Sumaia M. Shniba



Different ratios of millet flour (0, 5, 10 and 15%) were added to flour wheat extracted 72%, to study their effect on chemical attributes for both dough and biscuit prepared form those ratios. Results of chemical analysis of  flour showed significant decrease in moisture  content  and wet and dry gluten contents which was accompanied with an increase in the percentage of ash, colour and protein content as the ratio of  millet  flour  increased  in  wheat  flour. The replacement process of millet flour showed a significant increase in some farinograph and extensograph parameters such as water absorption, dough developing time and stability. Furthermore maximum resistance to extension and elasticity increased, while the area under curve (energy), resistance to extension and energy were decreased. On the other hand, chemical analysis of biscuit samples prepared from wheat flour and its replacement with millet flour showed significant increase in the percentage of fibre and iron concentrations as the millet flour increased

Key words: Wheat flour, Millet flour, Rheological characteristics.


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