Author guidelines

The Libyan Journal of Agriculture accepts publication of the results of original studies and researches in addition to short communications in the field of agricultural science and technology according to the following instructions:

  1. The author(s) must declare in the application form for manuscript submission that the material submitted for publication has not been published or being submitted for publication elsewhere.
  2. The manuscript should be written in Arabic and accompanied with an abstract written in English. However, manuscripts written in English accompanied with an abstract written in Arabic can also be accepted as an exception.
  3. The manuscript should be arranged according to the following: Title of the manuscript, name of author(s), address(s), abstract, key words, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgment (if present), references, tables and figures with page numbering. The first page should include the name, email and phone number of the author to whom correspondences should be addressed.
  4. Submission of manuscripts by the main author should be through filling the application form for manuscript submission, indicating his name and address, title of the manuscript, and date of submission.
  5. The number of pages should not exceed 30 pages including: tables, figures, photographs and maps.
  6. Tables should be typed using Microsoft Word: Simplified Arabic, size 16 for the title and size 14 for the content. For English manuscripts tables should also be typed using Microsoft Word: Arial, size 14 for the title and size 12 for the content. Scientific names should be written in italic. Figures should be typed using Microsoft Excel and prepared in a separate file.
  7. The manuscript should be typed on good size A4 (29.7 ×21.0 Cm) papers with double spacing and 2.5 Cm margins on all sides. The manuscript is to be written using Microsoft Word: Simplified Arabic, size 16 for the titles and size 14 for the text. English manuscripts are to be written using Microsoft Word: Arial, size 14 for the titles and size 12 for the text. Scientific names should be written in italic.
  8. The author(s) has no right to withdraw the manuscript after submission to the chief editor.
  9. All manuscripts submitted to the chief editor will be referred by anonymous referees.
  10. The units should be written in accordance with the system international unites (SI), and the Arabic numbers should be used.
  11. References should be listed alphabetically according to their original languages as follow:
    • For paper articles: The surname of the author is to be written first, followed by the abbreviations of the first and middle names, and this also applies in case that more than one author are involved. This should be followed by the publication year, the subject title, name of the journal, volume and page numbers.
    • For books: The surname of the author(s) is to be written first, followed by the abbreviations of the first and middle names. This should be followed by the publication year, book title, edition, the publisher and its address in addition to page numbers.
    • For proceedings: The surname of the author(s) is to be written first, followed by the abbreviations of the first and middle names. This should be followed by the publication year, subject title, editor(s), the publisher and its address in addition to page numbers.
    • For unpublished presentations at conferences or seminars: The surname of the author(s) is to be written first, followed by the abbreviations of the first and middle names. This should be followed by the publication year, subject title, and title of the conference or seminar, the place and date, in addition to a statement of “unpublished” or “in print”.
  12. References in the text should be referred to as the author surname(s) followed by the publication year between brackets in case of one or two authors. A statement of “in press” should follow paper articles which are accepted for publication but have not been published yet.
  13. The material considered for publication does not infringe upon other materials protected by copyrights.
  14. All published materials express the opinion of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board, the Faculty of Agriculture at University of Tripoli or any formal institution.
  15. The author(s) will be provided with three copies of the issue in which his or her paper article is published free of charge.
  16. The manuscript should be submitted to the editorin-chief in electronic form, and three hard copies typed on Microsoft word.

All correspondences should be addressed to:
Editor in chief
The Libyan Journal of Agriculture
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tripoli
P.O. Box 13212, Tripoli, Libya